
Here you will know what are some precautions that can decrease the rate of our private data Usage by Chinese Government by their Smartphone Brands such as Xiaomi, Real me, Oppo, Vivo, and many more

First of let's introduce Chinese rules on Smartphone brands
In China there is law that every brand can work in China only if they can share their users Private Data With Chinese government.
Despite of it Many foreign brands such as Whatsapp, Facebook, Google, And YouTube are not allowed to enter In China because these Companies denied the Chinese law on Data sharing. Ap these popular  companies are not in China.
It means that every smartphone which is originally made in China may share user's private data to the Chinese Govt. This private data may be used by Chinese govt. Against us in many ways.
So our private data is very important for us.

Don't do this in Chinese Smartphones

Here are some tips that you can do to prevent some amount of your private data. I am not telling you that you can completely prevent your data but you can prevent some of your private data such as browsing data, camera permission, etc.

1 Don't Use  Inbuilt Browser In Chinese Smartphones (Mi Browser etc.) 

Almost in every Chinese smartphones there is inbuilt Browser such as Mi Browser in Redmi phones and some other Chinese browsers. No need to use these Browser because this Browser is not safe for browsing.In May 2020 there were allegations on This mi Browser that, mi Browser can read the private chat of users even in Incognito Mode. Incognito mode is where no one can read browsing history, search history etc. But this Browser was  reading user's private browsing history in Incognito mode as well. Despite of It this Browser This shows additional ads that are not suitable for everyone.

So Don't use this Browser by Removing it from Default Browser  in Settings. Or simply disable it by this app

      Disable System Apps

   2 Don't Use Mi Account or any other account (except Google account

If you are using Mi phone then you have noticed that there is mi account where you can store your private data such as contacts, photos, videos and some other personal sensitive details like Google account. Don't use this account if you want to. Secure your personal data. 
I recommend you to use only Google account which is free, safe and secure. If you are already using mi account then simply delete this account. 

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