
In these days internet is one of the basic tool of our lives and without internet, this modern world in nothing. Due to internet there of infinite  number of persons who are successful only due to internet, lot of people enjoy  internet and with internet students get a good quality if education through online classes and videos.
How to increase internet speed, how to increase speed of internet

But this internet is good only when it has  good speed otherwise you won't get real access of internet.Low internet Speed is really boring and  can be painfull for those internet users who have some serious work on internet like gaming , bloging, streaming, downloading, uploading and data sharing etc etc. So these are some basic tasks ok internet where you need high speed internet data.

There are lot of factors that are responsible for low speed internet in your  mobile or in your wifi . Here  I will suggest you some  things to do to increase your internet speed upto some extent. 

Before starting to "How To Increase Internet Speed"  Remember this thing there is no any trick to convert your 4g into 5g or 2& 4g etc. All these tricks available on internet are not actually not working. 

Here are some Genuine Tips and Tricks to Speed up Your Internet Performance. 


How to increase internet speed

Many of people have wifi and  if their wifi doesn't have good internet speed then it is worthless. So here are some tips and tricks to  increase internet speed in wifi 

1 Change Your Router Position:
What is position of your wifi router? If it is on floor then change  it right now.The perfect position for wifi router is somewhere in centre of home ,on shelves, on table rather than the floor. Using the Helmhotlz equation, a researcher at Imperial College London, found that it's best to limit the number of walls and corners the signal has to traverse.Placing a Wifi  router in open space like middle of house is  basic and easy step to boost up your internet speed. 

2 Keep Your Router Away From Electrical Appliances:

Lot of people put their wifi router near television or telephone and other electronic devices, this is the basic reason that inhibits internet speed. It is nice to keep your wifi router away from these electronic devices such as tv, ac, speakers ,monitors and Bluetooth etc. 
Bluetooth and speaker can hamper  your internet speed and make it slow. 
How to increase internet speed

3 Put Your Router In Beer Can 

Use associate degree empty tin can as a DIY parabolic antenna - a reflective case that may , sans-serif; font-size: 13px;"> eliminate signal from alternative devices, whereas boosting the signal from your router. Cut the highest and bottom off the tin can therefore} cut it down the center so it becomes a sheet of metal. Wrap this round the back of your router's antenna thus it forms a dome, feat the front unexposed - voila. Empty Pringles containers additionally play easy DIY Wi-Fi amplifiers.

4 Reboot Your wifi router Regularly :
This is a best way to speed up your  WiFi speed. You have do regularly restart your wifi router every day. If you  can remember this task ok daily basis then set it  to schedule and it will automatically restart after every day or every week. This technique will definitely boost your internet. 

5 Set Password:

Too many users on a single wifi connection can slow down the speed  if internet. Protect your wifi internet by providing a strong password so that no extra device can use your wifi. Check in regularly basis that which devices are using your wifi at a same time. Less devices on a single wifi have more internet speed. 

So if you wifi connection then you can  apply these tips to increase internet speed. 


 Cellular mobile data  usage basic and easier way to access internet but  in this cellular internet  their are  too many reasons that can really slow down your internet speed. So here are some tips and tricks to speed  up your internet in cellular mobile data. 
How to increase internet speed

1 Uninstall Unwanted Apps:

 Many of  apps in your smartphone are  useful for us but  there are some apps that we have installed earlier  but not used from long time ago. These unused apps  basically uses our  mobile data in background  and thus slower the speed. You have to  uninstall these apps so that your mobile data won't be shared data used in background. 

2 Disable Widgets on Home screen:

Android smartphones have lot of widgets on your home screen that shows your weather, and time usually. These widgets continusly use mobile data in background to update weather updates. This also can consume your daily data usage. On disabling these widgets you will see some sort of improvements in your internet speed. 

3 Turn Off Auto Sync :

Auto sync is a feature  that help you to uploading your photos,videos and all media to your google account automatically so that you can backup it later. This permanently uses your mobile data to upload files to Google account thus internet usage is splitted into two so decrease internet speed. Disable it right now to increase internet speed. 

How to Disable Auto sync:

Go to setting >Google>Sync >Turn off

4 Remove cache Data:

Whenever you use an app in your smartphone it will make it's cached data usage in internal storage and this  cache data is can also occupy lot of internal storage of your smartphone  making your smartphone slow.. Removing the entire cache  data from smartphone is good to improve  internet speed.

How to Remove Cache Data:
Go to setting >Storage>Cache data> Delete Cache 

5 Use Lite Apps:

Like Facebook, Instagram Twitter and many other  apps that  you are using on daily basis are  heavy apps  and they uses your large amount of data. All popular apps have their lite version available on Google Play store. Use lite apps like fb lite, insta lite, Twitter lite etc so that  to reduce background data usage and to increase internet speed. These lite apps are safe, official and they don't use   background data. 

So these were some tips to improve internet speed. 

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