
   Are you a Wunder list user who's new to-to-doist ? Are you a long time ToDOist user who would like to learn some new power tips? well in this video I'm going to share with you  top 9 power tips and tricks for Todoist. I'm going share with you my top 10 powerfull tips and tricks for todoist.

    What is Todoist:

    Todoist is the only task manager that helps you set productivity goals and keep track of them with beautiful visualization .Life can be chaotic. At any given moment you probably have dozens of things on your mind.

    Todoist Tips and Tricks

    Top 9 Best Tips And Tricks Of Todoist

    • Task Gear :

     Tasks gear while there's not an official to do is app for the Samsung family of watches task gear comes pretty close this app allows you to view your tasks postpone them or even mark them complete it does allow you to create new tasks using just your watch but I wouldn't recommend it as it's no easy task pun intended.

    •   Momentum Integration 

    Momentum is a personalized dashboard or home screen momentum fully supports to duyst it shows my tasks and allows me to look at them complete them or add new ones all without having to open the todoist website there's even an option to show your next task right in the middle of your screen having my upcoming tasks right in the middle of my screen in my face as you will is really helpful

    •   Amazon echo integration

     Did you know that you could set your Amazon echo so that when you add things to your to-do list it's automatically added to-to-doist. Best way of using this feature is when while driving in  car the rho vive gives you all of the features of your Amazon echo but in a handy little package 

    •   Location Reminders

     You can have to do is remind you of a task when you leave or arrive at a location before I had this feature I can't tell you how many times had things on my to-do list like pick up band-aids then when I got to the drugstore I completely forgot and didn't check my to-do list 

    •  Email tasks 

    you can create new tasks by simply sending an email with the project name right to todoist you can simplify this process even more by adding the email address as a contact now I can forward an email as a task by simply entering in the contact name 

    • Quick list 

    did you know you could create a list of items by simply typing them out copying them and then pasting them into a task  instant  list


    well you can easily save a list or project by exporting it as a template then when you need it again simply import it and you're ready to go

    • Non-destructive items

     many users of todoist do not know that you can create a non-destructive list typically when you have a project you have a list of items as you complete those items the items disappear from the project list this can be a problem if you need to go back and see what was the task you just did by adding an asterisk at the beginning of the project name it will instruct to do us to create a non-destructive list now as I complete tasks they disappear but this time when I click on the project name I can see all of the previous tasks this is great if you have things that you want to do over and over again I can simply uncheck them and the items go back on the list 

    •  If this then that I have TTT  (IFTTT )

    which stands for if this than that is a service while IFTTT allows you to trigger things to happen based upon other things that have happened for example you could set it up so that when the water filter on your Samsung Refrigerator needs replacing it'll automatically add it as a task to your to-do list when I miss a phone call IFTTT adds a task to remind me to call the person back number one dependent tasks duyst is a to-do list sometimes you want to do is to act more like a project manager in this example I can click and complete any of tasks in any order however we can make to-do us act like a project manager and not allow me to complete a task before another task is done it takes a few steps to set up but if you need this functionality that's well worth the effort.


    • Fantastic program g-sync :  

    Fantastic program g-sync allows you to synchronize between any two programs and it covers todoist it covers Gmail it covers Dropbox and it covers Outlook so if you're a person that's trying to synchronize your to-do list with your outlook then you need to look at G synced 

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