
     Does Whatsapp share data with Facebook?

    WhatsApp, which was was acquired by Facebook in 2014, is now a popular private messenger app, everyone uses it to talk with their family members, relatives etc. Now these days, everyone is talking about whether or not WhatsApp shares out data with Facebook or not? Does Whatsapp share data with Facebook? These are some basic questions that everyone should be aware of it.
    Does Whatsapp share data with Facebook

    Regarding, WhatsApp security and your privacy about your data, I will show you in this article that how Facebook is collecting our data from WhatsApp? How Whatsapp is linked with Facebook and sharing our contact details with Facebook for Advertisement purpose. 

    How Whatsapp Is Sharing our Data To Facebook:

    Whatsapp is planning to earn more profit, from their parent company i.e Facebook. Both of these are owned By Mark Zuckerberg. At this time WhatsApp has a huge amount of user base which they can use for advertising purpose to show relevant ads to users. Here are some ways how WhatsApp is sharing our data to Facebook.

    Sharing Whatsapp Status To Facebook Story:

    On Whatsapp, everyone is familiar with WhatsApp status and using it to update their status for 24 hours. Now, this is a  flaw on WhatsApp on which no one is focusing. When you update any status on WhatsApp, within 1,2 minutes you will see the option " Share to Facebook Story" below your status. 
    Can Facebook access my WhatsApp?

    On clicking this Share to Facebook Story option below your WhatsApp Status, you can directly share that WhatsApp status, to your Facebook story. 

    Here you can see that, WhatsApp knows, that you have this Facebook account login on your device ( say your. FB profile).  This is how WhatsApp is sharing our WhatsApp contact details with Facebook. 
    Already Facebook knows your phone number details and many more, but due to this feature, it is clear that WhatsApp and Facebook are linked with each other to share contacts for advertisement purpose.

    Can Facebook access my WhatsApp?

    The answer is No. WhatsApp does not share a user chats with other apps from Facebook. WhatsApp does not store the chat message on the WhatsApp server. Also, Facebook is not accessing our WhatsApp account, the only reason for getting contacts is an advertisement.

    Is Whatsapp connected to Facebook?

    Whatsapp and Facebook are now two companies of a Single man and That man is Mark Zuckerberg. Initially, Whatsapp was an alone company formed by Brian Acto Whatsapp Was sold to Facebook in 16 Billion US dollars and now is with Facebook. There are many ways where WhatsApp will give benefits to their parent company i.e Facebook. Many features work collectively with both Whatsapp and Facebook. For example, Whatsapp business, many businesses use this feature to increase their business sale.

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     WhatsApp has mentioned in their new privacy policy that, in future, they may use advertising on WhatsApp go get more profit. To use advertisement on any platform needs full analytics and data of users to show relevant ads. 

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